How do you avoid prepayment?

How do you avoid prepayment?

For large construction projects, there are three payment methods: automatically by progress on work package. These payment methods each have advantages and disadvantages. The disadvantages result in disputes during work execution. Recent technological developments...
How do you avoid prepayment?

How do you improve cashflow in a project?

In these extraordinary times, cash flow management is at the top of many companies’ agendas. How do you improve cash flow in a project? This is a practical approach to making a clear link between cost control and project planning. Work in progress An important...
How do you avoid prepayment?

How do you prevent time and budget overruns?

Time and budget overruns are undesirable on a project. By aligning the budget with the planning, it is still possible to make timely adjustments and prevent budget and time overruns. How do you handle this? We explain how to stay on top of the current status of your...